Dev Log
Noodle boss is finish. It took a lot time to finish. Most of the time I spent on the graphics because I draw each tentacles separate and 1 tentacle has 3 frames. :’)
Noodle boss is finish. It took a lot time to finish. Most of the time I spent on the graphics because I draw each tentacles separate and 1 tentacle has 3 frames. :’)
Small update. I created new enemy for level 3. “Sausage“, It will jump into screen and continue fire 3 bullets at a time. Also, I redesign some enemies to make it suitable with another. :3
Another small update. I re-design noodle boss. It backed to original concept. Put him in the box and give him a chopstick instead of being plain noodles. Now he has another move to attack the player. 🙂
“WAVE Jumping” is solo-project that I created in Global Game Gam 2017. I made it when I take a break from “team project”. I start making jumping box that can call neighbor boxes to jump with it. I keep playing with theses boxes for a while.
Goal for this week milestone is implement and design first level boss.
Today, I start implement movement and basic for donut. It has simple movement mechanic.
My 3rd participated in Global Game Jam. It quite complicated. It start when I form a team. It has 4 people. 2 programer(include myself), 1 artist, 1 game designer. Everyone start giving ideas. I wanted to make and action game. “Microwave man run around and kill people or monster.” It seem they didn’t like it and we end up with “Tower defend” + “Newton’s cradle”.
Games is everything. I always enjoy making games. After start this project last month. I like to see progressing on this project. So, I kept working on this project everyday after my day job or in the weekend.
Small update, I created new type of enemy. I designed him base on “MeatBall“.
Small Update. I worked on the MeatBall. I changed size, made his blast can destroy player/another enemies and removed collision from his body.